Important Facts from Our Connecticut Criminal Defense Attorneys
We at The Sills Law Firm have noticed that many of our clients are not fully aware of the extent of their rights. This lack of knowledge could prove to be extremely detrimental when arrested or charged with a crime. Law enforcement officials don’t always operate by the book, which is why extreme vigilance and caution are essential. We have compiled a list of some of the most common questions our team of Connecticut criminal defense lawyers encounters for your benefit.
Learn More About the Extent of Your Rights
When is a police search not valid?
In order to conduct a search, a police officer must have a warrant. However, there are exceptions to having a warrant, such as consenting to a search. If you do not consent to a search, it may be difficult to suppress any evidence that is collected because the police officer could testify that he or she had probable cause (i.e. something was in plain view or the suspect was trying to hide an item) to conduct a search.
Should I just plead guilty to a criminal charge?
The decision to plead guilty is ultimately one that the accused individual must make. Some individuals simply want to move on with their lives and avoid a long trial. If you believe that pleading guilty is the right decision for you, we can help you negotiate a favorable plea bargain. The process can be lengthy, which isn’t necessarily a negative thing. We can help you understand the entire process behind pleading guilty so that you know what to expect.
I wasn’t read my Miranda rights. Can my case be dismissed?
Many of our clients come to us and say that they were not read their Miranda rights. Upon close investigation, we find that they signed a notice of rights, which they didn’t read or don’t remember signing. Miranda rights apply to a person who is in police custody and is subject to interrogation. If you are in police custody and will not be interrogated, there isn’t a need to read you your Miranda rights.
I was interrogated before my Miranda rights were offered. Can this information be suppressed?
Yes, if you were interrogated before your Miranda rights were read, we may be able to suppress that information. If you were not interrogated, there is no information to suppress.
What mistakes can I avoid making if I’m facing criminal charges?
We recommend that you do not make a statement or confession during your arrest. This information can be used later to incriminate you. Avoid discussing your case on social media avoid getting arrested for another offense. A subsequent offense can greatly impact your case’s success. We also recommend that you do not try to handle your own case by talking to the prosecutor. By having a skilled defense attorney on your side, you can avoid disclosing unnecessary information, such as previous arrests or offenses.
Will I be penalized if I want to take my case to trial?
Under the U.S. Constitution, everyone has the right to a trial. If you take your case to trial, you will most likely be judged by a jury panel of your peers. For the most part, trials can lead to harsh sentences. Sometimes prosecutors make a fair offer that can avoid the need of having to go to trial in the first place.
More Questions? Call (860) 524-8118 Today.
If you have more questions or would like to discuss one of the questions mentioned above, we would happy to provide you with further clarification. If you were recently arrested, don’t stall to retain skilled legal representation.